Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Studio making a difference

The chaps over at the Paragon Muse have downloaded and read my Masters research: "Sustainable Graphic Design in Brisbane", and have really taken on board some of the findings. In fact, there have been 895 downloads of my thesis since I posted it, which I am really quite amazed and heartened by.

Some of the points the Paragon Muse chaps summarised from the findings were:

"Designers’ ability to creatively problem-solve make us uniquely qualified to help with coming up with possible solutions to environmental and social sustainability issues. (i.e. dealing with the actionable ideas part.)"

"Graphic designer’s skills in perception maniuplation makes us even more qualified in garnering attention to the challenges and motivaing at least an emotional response if not actual civic activity.(i.e. dealing with the awareness part)"

They have also posted some designs that they prodced with sustainability as part of their brief.

They are proof that any change toward sustainable design is a great move, and I hope they continue to evolve and inspire others as well. You can check out their blog post here

Nice one!

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